27 July 2024 IT and Softskills Trainers Subscribed: 1842
Training Providers Subscribed: 749






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We allow a form of banner ad, like the ones on the left of this page. With click-through links to your site pages. As long as no code runs or pop-up effects take place, we are happy to place a small number of graphical advertising blocks on our pages. We will not allow FLASH or JavaScript actions or ActiveX events to take place.

Please contact us for further information.

Free advertising
For certain products and services that are beneficial to IT trainers, we will allow free advertising blocks for limited periods. Please contact us for further information.

Direct Mailing to Subscribers
We are happy to consider product and service related mailouts to our Newsletter subscribers. Please contact us for further information.

CoursewareCo Newsletter Footers
We are happy to consider permanent advertising text lines in the footer of our web site Newsletters or our Welcome mail that is sent out to all new subscribers. Please contact us for further information.

Who to Contact
If calling, please contact David Williams on 0207 952 1105 or 07795 423598.
E-Mail -david@coursewareco.com.


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